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  • Writer's pictureStefano Gandolfo

How to Make Perfect Homemade Pizza for Family Pizza Night

A Plate Pizza Fiesta: Crafting the Ultimate Home-Cooked Delight for Family Nights

A roman inspired plate pizza

Hey there fellow pizza lovers! So, a few weeks back, we had this awesome family pizza night and guess what? I tried my hand at a Roman-style Pizza in Teglia, inspired by the pizza genius, Bonci. And let me tell you, it was a hit! The key here is all in the dough – it needs a good night's sleep in the fridge to get just right.

I'm super excited to share this recipe with you all. It's not just about following steps; it's about having fun and creating something deliciously awesome. So, roll up your sleeves, and let's get our hands doughy! Trust me, you're going to want to try this out. Let's dive in and make some pizza magic happen! 🍕✨

The recipe


The ingredient list below is tailored for making three delightful plate pizzas.

For the Dough:

  • 1 kg Strong Flour (W300-350) Tipo '00': Choose a high-quality brand like Caputo Farina Cuocco, which offers the perfect texture and chewiness for your pizza base. [Available Here]

  • 800 ml Water: Essential for a well-hydrated and tender dough.

  • 20 gr Salt: Adds flavor and helps balance the dough's overall taste.

  • 6 gr Fresh Brewer's Yeast or 3 gr Active Dry Yeast: A crucial element for achieving that light, airy rise in your pizza dough.

For the Toppings:

  • Whole Peeled Tomatoes: Slightly blended to create a fresh, pulpy sauce.

  • 'Fior di Latte' Mozzarella Cheese: Offers a rich, creamy texture and authentic flavor.

  • Semolina Flour: Used for dusting the working surface and the dough, contributing to a crispy crust. - [Available here]

  • Other toppings: Add whatever toppings you like, e.g. pepperoni, bell peppers, ham, mushrooms, etc...

This combination of ingredients promises a pizza experience that's both delicious and authentic, perfect for any pizza night! 🍕✨

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. By purchasing through these links, you help support Pizz'Arte at no additional cost to you, enabling us to continue bringing you great recipes like this. We appreciate your support!

Materials used

The list below gives an overview of all materials used for making this lovely pizza:

Understanding the 'W' in Flour: Why It Matters for Your Pizza Dough

Before we jump into the magic of making our plate pizza, let's take a moment to talk about a key ingredient that often goes unnoticed: the flour. Its role is pivotal in achieving that crunchy pizza crust we all crave. When it comes to crafting the perfect pizza dough, it's not just about the ingredients but also about understanding them, especially the flour. The 'W' rating of flour isn't just a random letter; it's the heart of baking science. This rating is crucial as it indicates the flour's strength, revealing its protein content and how well it can absorb water and develop gluten. By understanding this, we unlock the secret to a crust that's not just edible, but memorable.

So, why is this important for your pizza dough? For doughs that require high hydration (like ours with 800 ml of water) and long fermentation (remember, our dough rests overnight!), you need a very strong bread flour. This is where the W300-350 flour comes in. A higher 'W' rating means the flour can handle more water without becoming too sticky or collapsing during fermentation. It leads to a dough that's both elastic and strong, perfect for that airy, chewy pizza crust we all love.

But don't just take my word for it! If you're keen to dive deeper into the world of flour and its impact on your baking, check out these resources:

Creating the Perfect Dough: Easier Than You Think!

Believe it or not, making our signature pizza dough is a piece of cake – and you don’t even need a fancy kneading machine! All it takes is a bit of mixing and stirring, and you're on your way to pizza heaven. Let's dive into the steps:

Step 1: The Dry Mix

Kick things off by mixing all your dry ingredients (that’s the flour, salt, and active dry yeast) in a nice, big bowl. This is where the magic begins!

Step 2: Team Up With Fresh Yeast

Got fresh yeast? No problem! Just take a little bit of water, dissolve your fresh yeast in it, and then mix it into the bowl with your dry ingredients. It’s like introducing new friends at a party!

Step 3: Water, Meet Flour

Now, pour the rest of the water into the bowl and start stirring with a sturdy spoon (wooden ones are great for this). Keep at it until all the water is happily absorbed by the flour. You'll end up with a dough that's wet, shaggy, and sticky – don’t worry, it's supposed to look a bit unruly at this stage.

The Overnight Magic

After Step 3, you’ll have something that doesn't quite look like your typical pizza dough, but trust me, it's exactly right. Now, cover the bowl with a lid or some cling film and tuck it away in the fridge. Let it rest there overnight. This is where the flavors really start to develop, turning your dough from ordinary to extraordinary!

The Day After: Bringing Your Dough To Life

Waking up to your dough the next day, you might be a bit surprised. It's not going to be the picture-perfect pizza dough you might expect. In fact, it'll look a lot like what you put into the fridge – only puffier. But here's where the fun really begins!

First things first, prepare your workspace by slightly wetting it with water. This trick also applies to your hands – a little dampness will be your best ally against the stickiness. Gently turn that shaggy ball of dough out onto your surface. It's time to get hands-on with your creation!

Now, let's do some dough yoga! It's time to give your dough some structure and strength with a technique we call 'the fold.' This step is crucial for developing those beautiful air pockets and the perfect texture in your pizza crust.

Imagine your dough as a canvas lying before you. You'll start by addressing the right side of this doughy square. Gently lift this side and fold it over, bringing it to the midpoint of the square. Then, take the left side and fold it over the right, like closing a book. What you'll have now is a narrower, layered strip of dough, about one-third the width of your original square.

Next, let's repeat this process, but this time, start from the bottom of your dough. Lift the bottom edge, fold it halfway up, and then bring the top half down over it. You'll be left with a compact, rectangular bundle of dough, full of potential.

Here's where we add a bit of flair to our folding: Turn the dough a quarter turn on your work surface, and gently but firmly pull it towards you. This action puts tension on the dough, making it tighter and more cohesive. As you do this, you're not just shaping it; you're also helping develop the gluten, which is key for that perfect chewy crust.

To see this folding technique in action, don't forget to check out the gif at the bottom of this section. It's one thing to read about it, but seeing it visually will help you master the technique like a pro!

After you've lovingly folded your dough the first time, it's time to let it rest and rise once more in the fridge. This half-hour chill session allows the dough to relax and the gluten strands to align, setting the stage for our next round of folding.

Set a timer for 30 minutes, and once it dings, it's back to the work surface with your dough. Repeat the folding process just as you did before, infusing your dough with more structure and strength. Then, return it to the refrigerator for another half-hour.

We're aiming for excellence here, so this folding and chilling cycle will be repeated four times in total. Each fold enhances the texture and flavor of your pizza dough, bringing you one step closer to that crunchy, artisanal crust. Remember, great pizza is a labor of love, and each fold is a step towards pizza perfection! 🕒🍕👨‍🍳

Forming the Pagnotti: The Art of Dough Division

Embarking on a pivotal moment in our pizza journey, we turn our attention to crafting the 'Pagnotti'—the Italian term for individual dough portions. This step is crucial in ensuring each pizza has a beautifully crafted base.

Remember, timing is vital. Begin this process around four hours before you're set to bake the pizzas. This crucial period allows the dough to rise appropriately, developing its final texture and flavor. Also, ensure you start at least half an hour after your final fold, giving the dough time to relax and become more pliable.

First, flour your work surface generously before gently placing the dough on it. Dust the top of the dough lightly as well, and then, using a dough scraper or a sharp knife, carefully divide the dough into three equal portions, each weighing about 600 grams.

Now, let's shape these portions into the 'pagnotti'. For each portion, start by gently lifting and stretching the edges towards the center. Rotate the dough piece a quarter turn after each stretch and tuck. Continue this process, stretching and tucking, rotating the dough each time. You're effectively pulling the outer edges into the center, creating a seamless ball. This technique helps to create a smooth, tight surface on each dough ball, setting the stage for a perfectly round pizza base.

The art of shaping these dough balls lies in your gentle, yet firm movements. With each turn and tuck, the dough will begin to form a more defined and rounded shape. This method not only shapes the dough but also helps in developing the gluten network, giving your pizza crust that ideal combination of strength and tenderness.

Gently place each 'pagnotto' into a lightly oiled container, ensuring there's ample room for expansion during the rise. I find old 1kg ice cream containers work perfectly for this. A thin layer of oil in these containers helps prevent sticking, preserving the impeccable shape and texture of your dough.

Allow the dough to rise undisturbed in a warm, draft-free area for about 4 hours.

Finishing Touches: Preparing the Toppings and Forming Your Pizza

As we approach the grand finale of our pizza-making journey, it's time to talk about the toppings that will crown your creation. For this recipe, I've chosen to use whole peeled tomatoes, which I've slightly blended into a rich, flavorful pulp. This homemade tomato base strikes the perfect balance between chunky and smooth, infusing our pizza with a fresh and tangy taste that only quality tomatoes can provide.

The cheese of choice here is 'Fior di latte' mozzarella. Unlike regular mozzarella, 'Fior di latte' is crafted from cow's milk and offers a creamier texture and a richer flavor profile. It melts beautifully, complementing the tomato base with its delicate, milky goodness, and avoiding the oiliness often found with other cheeses.

Now, let's get to forming our plate pizza. Start by generously flouring your work surface with semolina flour. This not only prevents sticking but also adds a subtle crunch and a beautiful golden finish to the crust. Gently drop your dough onto this prepared surface, and then give your dough a good dusting with more semolina flour.

The art of shaping your pizza begins with a gentle touch. Start by carefully pushing the dough from the edges towards the center. This technique allows you to evenly spread the dough while maintaining its airy structure. The goal is to create a base that's evenly thin but with slightly thicker edges, giving you that classic crust we all love.

You should end up with a rectangular form which is evenly thick all over the place. Slap of the excess semoline flour before transferring the dough on an oiled backing tray. Once your dough is nestled on the oiled baking tray, the next step is to extend it by hand, ensuring it covers the entire surface of the tray for a uniform bake. The tray I used measures 30 cm by 40 cm. Gently stretch and press the dough, working from the center outwards to the edges of the tray, filling every inch of the space.

The Grand Finale: Baking!

As we enter the thrilling final phase of our pizza-making journey, your dough should now be perfectly stretched to cover the baking tray. It’s time to add a thin layer of pizza sauce - just enough to caress the dough’s surface. Remember, we're adding more sauce after the initial bake, so a light touch is key at this stage. And let’s save the mozzarella for later; adding it now might lead to overcooked cheese and an undercooked base.

Preheat your convection oven to its highest setting, focusing on the bottom heating element. Carefully place your tray at the oven's base, ensuring direct contact with the bottom. This crucial step is all about achieving that delightful crispy underside.

Your pizza now embarks on a 12-18 minute journey to perfection. Keep an eye on it around the 12-minute mark - you're looking for a beautifully golden bottom, the hallmark of a well-baked pizza.

The moment your pizza's bottom turns a lovely golden brown, it's time for the final flourish. Now you can lavish the rest of the tomato sauce over the crust, ensuring an even spread for that perfect balance of flavor. Next comes the star of the show - the mozzarella. Scatter it generously, letting its creamy goodness promise a delightful melt.

Feel free to get creative here with any other toppings you adore. This is your canvas to embellish with the flavors and textures you love. Whether it's a sprinkle of fresh basil, a dash of oregano, or slices of pepperoni, each addition brings a unique character to your pizza.

At this juncture, shift the oven's heating to focus on the top element. It's time to give your pizza that final touch under the grill. Carefully place the baking tray back in the oven, positioning it on a rack near the top for optimal exposure to the heat.

This stage is crucial for achieving that irresistible, perfectly melted mozzarella and for cooking any additional toppings just right. Keep a watchful eye on your pizza during these few minutes. The goal is to witness the cheese transform into a beautifully bubbly, golden layer while ensuring the other toppings receive the right amount of heat to enhance their flavors.

Savor the Moment: Your Pizza is Ready!

Congratulations, your pizza masterpiece is complete! Once it's golden and bubbly to perfection, remove it from the oven. Now, slice your Roman-inspired creation into manageable rectangles, the perfect shape to appreciate every delightful bite.

If you're embarking on a pizza marathon and baking multiple, simply repeat the baking steps as outlined previously. Each pizza will emerge as a unique expression of your culinary skills, ready to be savored and shared.

I warmly encourage you to try out this recipe. There's something truly special about homemade pizza, and I believe this one will bring a little piece of Italy right into your kitchen. Once you've given it a go, I'd love to hear about your experience. Drop a comment below and share your pizza journey with me and our community of fellow food enthusiasts. Whether it's a tale of success or a learning curve, every story adds to the rich tapestry of our shared love for cooking.

Happy baking and even happier eating! 🍕❤️👩‍🍳👨‍🍳

Buon Apettito!


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